Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Race #4 Pre-Race Information & Bib Numbers

Hello Runners,
Tomorrow our Series will come to an end, but not before we run and award many prizes! Below is some information. Remember the race starts at 6:00pm!

For those who have run the race in the past, we now start and finish inside the park. Parking is available in the back parking lot, past the visitor center. We are now running the Southern part of the park, which is similar to last year’s course.

Check in/bib/shirt pick up begins at 5:00pm.
We are trying something different with check in. To make it smoother for all, provided is the list of bib numbers below. If you forget your number between now and then the numbers will be posted.
At check in you will receive a ticket for your taco, a ticket for your beer (you will need a valid ID to redeem) and a slip of paper to enter the drawings (Write your bib number on it). We have different numbers this time that do not have the drawing ticket.
Youth Run begins at 5:30pm
Race begins at 6:00pm
Youth Drawings at 6:15pm
Drawings begin at 7:00pm

The temperature is forecasted to be in the lower 60s and will dip into the 40s later. Please plan accordingly. We will have water at the start and an aid station near the Nature Center. The aid station is sponsored by Steve Smillie, realtor with Edina Realty.

Break the Stigma Project will be onsite. Take some time to speak with Julio tomorrow. Julio will be running across the state next May to end the stigma of mental health.

The short sleeve shirts for those who were one of the first 100 to register for the full series and did not upgrade to the long sleeve are ready to be picked up.
The long sleeve shirts are in! If you ordered one you can pick it up. If there are any left over they will be for sale for $25.

The Youth Run course will loop around the picnic area up to the wood chip trail to the Y and will return back to the finish line near Jan’s Place. Here is the course map.

Here is a link to the October course.

To celebrate the end of the Series and all of our successes there will be grapes and mango. Dyna Moo will be providing our protein powered recovery drink. Rusty Taco truck will be onsite. Your first taco is on us, any subsequent you will need to pay for yourself ($3/a piece). Your carbohydrate-loaded adult beverages will be redeemable with your Beer ticket.

Our drawings will feature swag from Dangerous Man Brewing Co., Mill City Running, FITS Socks, Salomon Shoes, Seven Sundays among other items.

Don't forget to thank the volunteers!
See you tomorrow on the trails!

Sam Rush

Bib Number Last Name First Name
232 Adams Nellie
148 Ammerman Brooke
277 Appel Nate
1 Aronen Jason
233 Baker David
2 Bakewell Casey
3 Bakken Justin
265 Baldwin Wendi
4 Balfanz Hannah
184 Barnstable Brady 
196 Barrett Joanna
5 Beloy Andrea
251 Benson Jessie 
252 Benson Dustin
6 Boatwright Stephanie
7 Boisjolie Cate
253 Bornholdt Tim
254 Bornholdt Adam
8 Bovitz Brent
166 Boyle Jamie
285 Braband Jacey
9 Brown Lisa
10 Brown Michael
136 Brown Nicholas
137 Brown Robert
11 Burnett Adam
12 Butler Brenda 
149 Butler Daniel
13 Buzek Kjersten
14 Buzek Mark
181 Buzek Stanley
15 Byerly Lorena 
138 Byerly Ivan
16 Carlson Andrew
176 Chamberlain David
177 Chamberlain Beth Ann
17 Chase Ryan
255 Chu Brianna
169 Conley John
170 Conley Joyce
18 Cook Daniel
370 Cook Theresa 
234 Cooley Jeanne 
19 Cooper Nicole 
362 Cowell Alisha
399 Craig Clayton
20 Crocker Kelly
188 Cutshall P
21 Daun Jesse
22 Deegan Gregory
23 Delano Bill
24 Deutsch Julie
25 Diedrich Darrin
235 Dobbins Matthew
26 Doop Alan
27 Douglas Vicky
29 Dritz Scott
30 Eiden John
139 Eiden David
290 Enger Shelly
31 Epp Nicole
381 Fabela Joshua
286 Fairchild Erik
363 Fayson Carnell
32 Flynn Charlie
171 Ford Peter 
33 Furey Brian
34 Gale Christa
142 Gale Tommy 
291 Geisler Griffin
163 Giebink Isabelle
164 Giebink Sam
195 Ginsberg Shannon
35 Gits Charlie
236 Goedde Cathy
36 Goetzke Kirt
275 Golden Sean
292 Gonnella Jim
37 Gonyea Susan
256 Green Charles
259 Gregg Caitlin
237 Grimm Bethany
238 Grimm Dave
175 Grothe Roger
187 Grothe Jesse
38 Gust Blake
190 Haley Dave
293 Hansen Erin
398 Hart Andrew
150 Hauge Janet
39 Hawes Christopher
40 Hawke Katie
41 Heinzel Fran
42 Hill Zachary 
43 Hoaglund Willow
294 Hokenson Marcia
44 Holmer Tammy 
45 Horan Dave
281 Howard Todd
46 Hunt Elizabeth
47 Immele  Daphne 
48 Jamison Shaun
49 Jansen Hannah
393 Jasperson Bryan
50 Johnson Eric
295 Johnson Heather
51 Johnston Amy
52 Johnston Sean
229 Jones Amy
183 Kapsner Jason
365 Kapsner Alexandra
366 Kapsner Isaac
367 Kapsner Avery
396 Karbon Rebecca
53 Karter Brandon
174 Kerby Lisa
192 Kinnear-Ohlmann Kristen
54 Klopp Cathy
55 Knutson Brad
56 Kovacic Casey
57 Kovalesky Pat
58 Kruger Jason
59 Krull Anthony
282 Kuderer Jimmy
60 Kufahl Tim
61 Kunau Thomas
368 La Breanna
62 Larson Rebecca
63 Larson Susan
262 Larson Jason
263 Larson Chloe
264 Larson Laura
239 Laue Robert
64 Leicach Donna
397 Lendino Jeff
65 Lesch Michelle
66 Linder-Hewitt Amy
361 Lodahl Matt
67 Loeding Nicole
240 Long Allison
68 Lorbiecki Debra
167 Lundgren Dwayne 
69 Magnuson John
296 Malenke Paul
70 Manelli Sheila
71 Markes Jeff
72 Markle Amy
73 Markle Jami
74 Martin Ellen
75 Martin Eric
151 Martone Jennifer
76 Mason Michael
228 Mcardle Sean
77 Mccarty Bryan
78 Mcgrath Patrick
231 Mckinlay Shaun
186 Mclellan Hayleigh
198 Messer Brian
230 Meyer Judy
257 Meyer Shannon
79 Moeller Stephanie 
80 Moilanen Molly
392 Monaghan Danny
168 Morgan Pat
378 Morgan April
81 Motzko Chad
82 Mueller Ben
83 Mueller Jenni
143 Mueller Alex
84 Mundenar Joseph
85 Nelson Kory
86 Nelson Linda
87 Nelson Rhonda
88 Nelson Suzanne
178 Neufeld Tom
242 Nguyen Cu
152 Novitsky Samantha
89 Ochsner Trisha
153 Ogren Gary
194 Okeefe Val
382 Olstad Judy
90 Opsahl Katie
91 Ostrum Sarah
92 Overby Jim
93 Parker Kara
95 Paulsen Jennifer
96 Pennington Lauren
371 Peterson Kylie
97 Platnick Barbara
98 Raetz Lisa
276 Ramsland Julie
99 Rantala Matthew
395 Rantala Macie
100 Ranua Victoria
144 Ranua Hemi
145 Ranua Jack
287 Raridon Ahndrea
154 Rehwaldt Kathryn 
101 Rein Rich
243 Renner Emily
102 Riemersma Glenn
103 Riley Adeline
400 Roeber Stanley
104 Samec Tony
260 Sandberg Brenner
155 Sawdey Heather
243 Sawinski Erika 
156 Scheckman Jacob
244 Scheckman Rose Teng
105 Schneider Bryan
106 Scrimshaw Jason
273 Serra Shelly
165 Severud William
107 Shelby Lacy
108 Shilson Corey
109 Shilson Melody
110 Simmons Bryan
111 Skaw Brent
185 Smestad Logan
112 Smillie Steve
372 Sommerfeld Greta
113 Sons Bonnie 
258 Sorensen Leah
114 Sorenson Jennifer
364 St Jacque Steve
297 Stabenow Vicki
115 Stack Tony
116 Stang Aaron 
289 Steichen Matthew
157 Steinbach Mari 
247 Steller Matthew
117 Stenman Andersson Martin
278 Stevens Rick
389 Storkamp John
118 Stout Katlyn
246 Strickland Melvin
119 Stromme Philip
189 Swanson Joel
266 Swanson Veronica
120 Swenson Stacy
247 Taitinfong Manny
199 Teske John
121 Thompson Rob
158 Thompson Katie
250 Thompson Linda
288 Thompson Dave
373 Thompson Sarah
394 Tiers Christian
193 Tritabaugh Emily
122 Tromiczak Keith
123 Turman Abigail
124 Tusa David
159 Vaith John
125 Van Aalsburg Jared
126 Van Dyke Rick
182 Vargas Olalde Heriberto
127 Vernon Nora
374 Vernon Fave
191 Vertin Marecca
298 Villagrana  Manuel 
128 Wacek Lisa
129 Wald Maria
160 Wall Jen
130 Wasend Matea
131 Wear Karen
132 Wear Richard
133 Welle Sara
134 Wendorf Maria
135 Westlake Becky
146 Westlake Jenna
147 Westlake Sam
299 Wyatt Thomas
249 Wyse Robert
300 Wyse 0
172 Younes Mike
197 Yousufzai Imran
200 Zanon Samantha 

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